Saturday, September 21, 2013

Waka Waka

(This piece was written to wish CVS Raman (my good friend from school, through college, into the Navy, and thence!) a happy birthday in Jun 2010. But in the euphonous cacophony of the World Cup football, it got lost. It's being resurrected so that it gains its rightful place in the blog!)

The World Cup Soccer took its toll in terms of delayed b'day wishes. What with the mind-numbing overkill of the World Cup Soccer (and the ear-numbing din of tens of thousands of Afrikan vuvuzelas), one had no time to wish ones near and dear ones. But I am sure all concerned will pardon the deadly sin as it would have been blasphemous for any self-respecting football fan to be seen anywhere yesterday (11 Jun 2010), but in front of the idiot-box (The only other place that one can think of, where one would have been forgiven for being seen, is of course, Johannesburg!)

Now, to cut the brouhaha, let me let you all on to a truth. Frankly, I was mesmerised by the cadence and rhythm of the "Waka Waka, Zaminamina" as it matched the swaying hips, in perfect harmony, of the diva who performed it at the opening ceremony - you see; Shakira's hips don't lie!

And now, to set the record straight, here's one torpedo, fired straight from the heart. I am sure it will hit your submarine and blow it to smithereens!


As your hair (and beard) turn a deeper shade of salt and a lighter shade of pepper;
As you slow down physically to rack up mentally;
As you gain in wisdom what you lose in memory;
As you contemplate quitting binges to avoid the cringes (thereafter);
As you mull the reasonableness of metamorphing from "spirited" to "spiritual";
As your definition of late nights shift dramatically from 0200 hrs to 2000 hrs;
Remember, that the 40s are the new 20s.

So go ahead, and have a blast! And while you are at it, don't forget to catch the action, of Drogba or Rooney chasing the ball (or better still, each other), between sips of chilled "Heineken"


PS. BTW, Waka Waka in Swahili means blaze, burn brightly, burn well, shine etc. Hence the heading.

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