My interpretation of what interests and confounds me ....

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Mothers Day Musings

 Sunday Shenanigans - 09May21

Does God Exist

It's not a rhetorical question, neither a philosophical one, nor incongruous

Am sure, the theists in our midst would nod an affirmation without missing a beat; but my query is directed at the atheists and agnostics amongst us. So, to this group of erudite gentry, let me list out a few attributes of our Gods, that I've gathered through my desultory dabbling of our religious scriptures, holy books and spiritual writings ... and see if I can shake their faith a wee little bit

Love ... for you  ... selfless and unconditional, to the point of self-abnegation 

Dedication ... to your cause

Devotion ... to your duty

Discipline ... at times akin to a martinet, to mould you into a great person

Patience .. to take on all your tantrums, and still love you

 Forgiveness ... of all your misdeeds and misdemeanours

Imperturbable composure ... in the face of your meltdowns, display of tempers, talking back, etc.

Ferocity ... to protect you, when harm stalks or strikes you

Knowledge ... to educate you and impart wisdom to you

Bravery ... to shield you from dangers

Organising ability ... to cater to your disorganized lifestyle, right from birth ...

Gourmet cooking skills ... to pander to your hunger and glut

 Supporting, motivating, inspiring, encouraging ... to your every aspiration, ranging from the nonsensical to mundane to the magnificent 

Flexible ... to adjust to your whims and fancies, 

Strict (but fair) .. to shape your persona into a disciplined one 

Putting oneself last ... each time and every time, to address your, oftentimes, unreasonable demands

Rarely, if ever, taking a break ... so that you and others can take theirs

And several others .... all of them, centered around you ...

Btw, God may not be able to showcase many of the aforementioned qualities (Gourmet cooking skills for one ... taking a break, for another ... Sunday is His day of rest, as per the Bible ), for, He is not a MOTHER.  At best, He can play second fiddle to the indomitable, irrepressible, industrious spirit of a *Mom*, and perhaps, never ever replace HER, in body or in spirit 

My love and salutations to all the moms of the world, and specially mine ❤

May your breed beget and multiply, for, you're our _raison d'être_, the reason we're there ... and the reason we're, what we are

PS. Of course, *my/ our God* has her foibles ... but let's save that for another day 😉😃

PPS. I trust, my treatise would have answered the existential question of the atheists and agnostics, in some measure ...
